Hannah Junkermann

Bio: I am blessed to have grown up in a Christian home, with parents who showed me what a relationship with God looked like. When I was 5, I accepted the Lord as my savior and have continued to grow deeper in him. Coming into college, I knew I wanted to surround myself with other Christians who would encourage me and challenge me to have a deeper relationship with the Lord. I found Chi Alpha in the beginning of my freshman year and have been a part of it since. I found a family who walked with me and sisters who lived out life with me daily. I even met my husband Ian while we served on the student leadership team! Having just graduated from Colorado State University with a double major in Psychology and Human Development and Family Studies; I have the opportunity to give back to this ministry that has poured into my life for these last 4 years. I am excited to see what God has planned for CSU this year!

Hobbies: Running, playing volleyball and basketball, hiking, camping with friends, coffee, and spending quality time with people

Favorite Book: Currently, it’s between Love Beyond Reason and God is Closer than you Think. Both by John Ortberg

Favorite Quote:  “Arrange your days so that you experience total contentment, joy and confidence in your everyday life with God.”

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